Women's Suffrage Movement

Historical account detailing the Women's Suffrage Movement in New Zealand

Sunday 30 June 2013

Women's Suffrage and significance to New Zealand

The Women's Suffrage movement was significant was and still is significant to New Zealanders as it was a movement that caused what is today Women's Rights movement, which fights for equality between men and women in society. Equality including the right to possess a job of the same power, with the same wage rates and with the elimination of sexist behavior towards women so that they be held on equal terms. It whilst it is controversial if New Zealand was truly the flag bearer in the movement of Women's Suffrage throughout the world it did path the way for it to be accepted more openly in society however even if it was in fact unintentional but through a misdemeanor by Richard Seddon.
In conclusion the event caused for a movement that caused Women to get the ball rolling the the right for Women's Rights and Equality. With the likes of Margaret Thatcher being prime minister of United Kingdom from 1979-1990 and in New Zealand Jenny Shipley whom served as prime minister from 1997-1999. More recently Austrailia witnessed their first female prime minister Julia Gillard from 2010-2013. This shows, whilst the progression was later that the Women's Suffrage movement was and still is significant today in the movement for equality between men and women in the 21st century.

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